So Barack Obama won the title of 44th president elect for the USA. Woo…
Overall, i’m happy with this win… as I definitely was rooting for him.
Unfortunately, the USA is a GIANT steamship with its own set of captains and its own engines pointing in different directions. Obama, while charismatic, opinionated… and energetic…. has a lot of ground to cover ahead of him.
Two wars, a dying economy, and millions of angry people, on top of unemployment…. couple that with the general mentality of Americans that they “deserve more than others” simply cause they are american… well… he’s got a hard road ahead of him.
by the way, i’m happy america stepped over their racist stereotypes and proved to the world they have transgressed past racial prejudices in deciding who leads them. honestly, i never felt america was that racist… not by a long shot… but the world generally does… and this proved to the world they are not.
Now Obama will choose his cabinet… and boy, he better do it fast… in a few months he steps into office and he WON’T have the luxury other presidents had to “get up to speed”. he has to hit the ground running.
The sad part is? I believe i rooted for Obama…. out of fear. I think McCain… was just too much like the old leaders. Americans, i believe, screamed for change…. any change . not another Bush. not another warmonger… ANYTHING but another rich, white, upper class, shot-gun holding, flannel-wearing, tobacco chewing, baby seal shooting from helicopter …. conservative. anything but that again. So… Obama being so different (young, black, fresh ideas)… just seemed natural. he almost was guaranteed to win… JUST because he was so different… and I think that’s what his campaign rode on consistently.
Smart man. hope he stays smart.
I’m happy too basically… and first of all… just hope for recovery of economy. Go HUSSEIN OSAMA!! :))