next topic… drunks
i am watching a movie… relaxing… when i hear something outside. metal crashing. what the hell ? i then hear screaming… and vomiting. go outside… my neighbor… drunk… and lost his key. cant get in. i take him into my house… and offer my couch. i get him water… and make sure he does not sleep… for fear of going into a coma… he is that drunk. finally after an hour… he seems to be more lucid… so i ask him to sleep. what does he do? vomit on my floor… and get up and walk around. doesnt stop for 7 hours…. keeps me awake all friggin night. i finally get 2 hours of sleep… and he wakes me up… asking wehre he is! i tell him… and he says thank you… and leaves.
that was my good deed for the week. by the way…. dude is a teacher at an elementary school nearby. nice huh?