Russia’s bringing back military power and assertiveness!!!! this week alone…
1) russia’s president has signed a bill quadrupling the spending for aviation military resources… and Russian bombers have been spotted over the UK…..For test purposes of course…
2) Putin broke apart many of its congressmembers’ roles, and hired post communist military officials into office for lawmaking positions…
3) Today russia finished testing on a NON-nuclear bomb that’s 4 times stronger than USA’s strongest nonnuclear bomb in history… It is housing 11 tons of explosives, and has the effect of 80 tons of TNT…. the zone-0 effect is equivalent to the hiroshima A-bomb… and is capable of demolishing building for up to 1 mile radius. but it has the benefit of not ravaging the natural resourcesof the land like an Abomb… oh and its satellite controlled and can fly around the world if necessary… SWEEET….
in turn, America is continuing discussions about gay rights’ marriage….
yeah… of course i’m not HAPPY about all this… but i’m glad that russia is getting off their backside again. they are revamping their military and stating they will use it to combat terror… but as no one has attacked russia in 30 years… “terror” in this case is defined as anyone who they don’t like… americans complain about iraq? let’s see what happens when we go toe-to-toe with 500,000 soviet tanks in NYC…. seeing how russian/american relations are straining….