I realized something today. I think the current wage issue in USA, is NOT cause wages went down. nor is it cause of inflation. I think it’s more influenced by Americans getting their jobs back.
I heard on news this morning that 70% of people on unemployment are refusing work, due to wages being too low. makes sense.
then I saw stats around wages. the primary wages at focus are those under $15 an hour. this included jobs like busboy, staff cook, cleaners, janitorial, cashiers, etc. This got me confused. I know cost of living went up about 5-10% in various sectors…. but… 10-14$ an hour was kinda normal for MOST of these jobs for a LONG time. why suddenly this is unfathomable for so many people?
On the elevator today…. in my building. there was a cleaning crew. all whites. americans. I didn’t think much of it. but after thinking a bit, I realized… in restaurants, in the back kitchen staff, in the laundromats, in the cleaning crews, and offices I visit… i’ve noticed a distinct reduction in migrant workers. Come to think of it, the building I live in now… approx. HALF the janitors and cleaning crews I see are what I would stereotype to be american citizens (black or white americans). Yes i’m stereotyping, but pay attention to the larger point.
This is a STARK contrast to 4 years ago. (not to mention actual visas DRASTICALLY reduced during pandemic, but we’re talking about illegal migrants mainly).
I suspect it’s not so much that wages are too low… nor that costs are too high… not yet. I suspect the jobs / employment issues are more related to the american workforce, finally getting what the conservatives have been screaming about — migrants gone, and they got their jobs back. Both employers, and employees… are now realizing the wages that have long been standing — are not gonna cut it when you go above the board.
I realize the stats show that the average wage is down 10% as of May 2021 vs PRE pandemic. however, I suspect that’s NOT salaried jobs in middle/upper tiers. the service and front line workers were the ones impacted most. those are the jobs that also removed the most migrant workers. those are now the jobs that are struggling to refill… but migrant workers are no longer available. and the tax paying americans, often going to these jobs for the first time, are realizing this is not gonna work. While cost of living hasn’t cause the wage issues in full… when the wages DO go up… the cost of living will grow on TOP of what it already is.