My wife and I came to this country for the same reason many did – we believed in capitalism. The pursuit of happiness. We, like many, believed happiness and our fortunes were our own responsibility – and shouldn’t fall in the hands of others. We wanted to be in an environment where our skills and worth was measured by a simpler value system – currency. Aka. Money. Not by beliefs, religion, morals, ethics, values, or all manner of convoluted emotions.
That’s what America promised. That’s been the sales pitch of this nation for the past 200 years. You do something people want – you have a place here amongst the people of this nation. It’s the greatest nation on earth.
And as you decay, with the recent problems and pandemics – you are forgetting this single critical part of your existence – you are only good at valuing money. Let the dollar be king. Let capitalism win.
Instead, you are suddenly all over the place bickering and arguing about Black Lives/human lives/ vaccines/ pandemics/freedom of speech/ environment issues… and suddenly trying to grow ethics and a conscience.
My dear child – you are a child – you are not old or mature enough to gauge morals and ethics. You are too diverse and crowded to discuss values. Oh I’m sure YOU believe strongly in whatever you believe in. But your neighbor is bound to have a VERY different value system. And you two are about to go to war and kill each other – over these differences. And you will ALWAYS be in this situation…. If you don’t remember what you are good at – valuing money.
You don’t have the emotional maturity to KNOW what ethics and values of a nation should be. So stop trying. You will end up hurting yourself and those around you unnecessarily. A lifetime of reading blogs and arguing online isn’t enough…. You need hundreds of years, and descendants and generations of tradition passing on the SAME values over hundreds of years to form an “ethics” and moral compass. You simply don’t have that.
You don’t know how to exist in an ethical way. You thrive and exist, solely as a consumer nation. So be that.
Next time you wonder if a vaccine is ethical or not – stop. Just ask yourself – is a vaccine going to push the economy forward?
Defund the Police? Stop. Ask yourself – will defunding the police advance your income and lifestyle? If it does… great. Do it. But stop pretending you care about lives. You didn’t care about my country’s lives when we were dying in the streets… we begged you for help… and you wouldn’t help millions of innocents being murdered in the 80s… until you found a way to profit off it. And you know what? It worked. So stick with that. Stay in your lane.
Multiple Sexes? Two sexes? Teaching this in school? Why don’t you focus on math and science and economics studies. Your education system is abysmal and your children have no career futures. Don’t you want them to make money and have a fulfilling career in the future? Isn’t that more important than having a teacher teach them about how many vaginas a man can have? Leave the relationship and psychology to the parents and therapists. Let them do their jobs based on what each parent wants. You know – the tax payers… that PAY for shit. Prioritize your kids growing up to be highly functioning, tax paying individuals, with value they ADD to the nation. Not what they identify as. Each person can identify as whatever they want… as long as they pay.
You don’t work – as a nation – if you start debating what’s right/wrong. You simply don’t know and your people won’t know. You have too many with all kinds of views. The only unifying factor amongst them all – money / currency – gets them stuff they can then enjoy. That’s the ONLY thing you should be focused on.
Sure, things like pollution, sex ed, ethics, etc… can matter – as long as it’s in the context of the underlying MONETARY value. Is having a diverse sexual identification profitable? Well then accept it. Is it damaging to the economy? Ok then don’t do it. Stop worrying if it’s “God’s” way, or “science”. Trust me, you don’t know. You were founded by heretics and pagans, who barely have a kindergarten education by adulthood.
China bothering you? Quit complaining and arguing with them about them stealing your Intellectual Property and their “tactics”. BE BETTER. invent more. produce more. beat them by BEING better. quit complaining – and get to work and make shit that is valued. cause trust me, in the end…. no one cares where their TV was made. or their phone. what they care about is their products working and helping them live their lives.
Masks annoying? Well, does it open the economy up? Then quit worrying about your “rights”. You’ve had them back and forth over the generations. You conveniently give up your rights in the past in the pursuit of money. Stop bickering about it now. Just wear the masks – if it gets your economy going. If not… then don’t wear them. Again – either way – doesn’t matter as long as you are doing it in the pursuit of bettering YOUR life. Growing YOURSELF in a way that represents your greed and materialistic nature.
Quit worrying about your phone tracking you and facial recognition. Worry more about how YOU can be a part of the growing industry and capitalize on something that’s generally adopted by the world. Instead of worrying about 5G and cell towers and rays from space controlling your mind — learn how to code, and DRIVE that industry in the direction YOU want. Bitching and complaining won’t stop progrees. YOU said that. it applies now more than ever… when the entire world is progressing – except for you.
Don’t like it? Suddenly want to develop an identity? Then please understand… most of us don’t want to be a part of your “identity crisis”.
Tell us to go back to our own countries? So you can sit in your cesspool and destroy each other peacefully? You do realize that if you go to war, if you kill each other…. NEITHER of you will have anything of worth. Your entire nation will fall. If you push out the ones that appreciate you for what you are – a money making machine – and focus on just your “rights” and ethics internally – you will destroy each other to a degree that you won’t exist as a nation.
You sold the world on capitalism. We all listened, and believed in you. Now you are ignoring the very foundations of your sales-pitch…. Every nation in the world screamed “tradition, values, the people, share!” for 100 years… and you fought against it. You shunned communism. You pushed for your capitalism to influence the world… now, YOU are the one that’s failing at it. The world has moved on… and trust me – capitalism will win. You now have the entire world valuing MONEY over anything else. If you insist on this “righteous” path – you will fall behind and be forgotten.
When you feel something is “unfair” or not right in the world – stop complaining. YOU, America, taught the world. – NO ONE CARES about what’s “unfair”. So when you feel the need to protest or complain? To have your voice heard? Here’s a simple process, YOU taught us – to deal with it –
Step 1. Shut up. Just be quiet. Bite your tongue and shut your mouth.
Step 2. Look around, find a way to profit off this situation.
Step 3. Get ahead of the problem. Sell something others spend money on.
That’s it. It’s that simple. You United the world under this mantra. So keep at it. After all, it’s all you are good at – as a nation. Anything else… leave that to the other nations that are more mature than you. Let the wallets decide life. No one cares what your “values” are. Because you haven’t EARNED the right to tell the world what ethics are right/wrong. You screwed over your own people and other nations for decades. You don’t get to suddenly think you know best.
We came to this nation, in the pursuit of our growth. Career, finances, retirement, future. If you want to start discussing ethics/values…. And suddenly putting that above capitalism… then we don’t need to be here while you go through this “phase”. You are throwing tantrums and showing the world you are not reliable.
Worse – you are spitting on the very foundations your forefathers worked to give you. You are abandoning the core of what it means to be American – a capitalist greedy pig. We learned to embrace you for that… and love you for it. We copy you now, the entire world over. So, please, stop trying to be something you are not. Cause you suck at it. You are tearing yourself apart because you are forgetting your very simple core foundation – Money Talks.