Read an interesting article this past weekend…. about the death of email.
Apparently, the younger generations are viewing email as the way they talk to banks, large companies, and “older people”….
Culturally, email is viewed as the way to keep in touch with older generations….
Wow. never thought this day would come. Well technically it hasn’t… yet. and by definition, regular postal mail is STILL heavily used. Its also the same thing that was said about regular mail when email came around. So it could make sense that what i was raised with as the cutting edge way to do things… is now becoming obsolete.
So what would replace this? not sure yet. There are a few options. I do know this :
1) I would rather use text messaging by phone to contact my friends… in fact.. .most of the world outside of america uses text messaging EVERY DAY multiple times. I send roughly 3 to 4 personal emails a dday… but i send roughly 10 to 20 texts a day!!
2) web forums, group chats, microblogging (such as twitter), and social networking (such as facebook and Myspace and Mixi) seem to be what people use more than emailing to inform those they are close to about their lives…
Only time will tell if this claim proves to be true….